Yes, only if you are looking for the most basic information.

If you’re looking for in-depth, high quality thoughts or answers, Google or the new AI tools will fail you.

Knowledge to me is like an onion. Every topic, every subject is an onion by itself.

Each subject has multiple layers (read levels) of knowledge. In order to get a high-quality, in-depth answer, you must peel back the layers of the onion. The expert quality knowledge lies deep within the onion, not on its surface.

Google search only gives you what’s on the surface layer of the onion.

To get under the surface, the best tool I’ve discovered so far is “questioning”.

How true is this Level 1 knowledge? The knowledge on the first layer of onion is sort of universal knowledge that is extremely basic and something everyone can understand. But that doesn’t mean it’s all true either. Put it to test, and figure out for yourself how much of it is true, how much of it is false, and how much of it is somewhat-true, which works in specific cases and not in others.

Here’s an example for this … What’s the opposite of success? Universal knowledge tells you it’s failure. That’s the wrong answer, as far as I can tell. The opposite of success, I believe is quitting, not failure. Again, put this answer to test, and determine it’s validity for yourself.

Second question you may want to ask is … what is the first layer of the onion leaving out? What is it not telling me?

Here’s an example – How many areas of money are there? A Google search tells you four – saving, spending, donating and investing. What it does not tell you is there are three more areas, a total of 7.

Why does it not tell you that? Because the other three areas don’t apply to the majority. Google or the AI tools will only give you answers that apply to the majority.

To peel back the layers, you need to question things, converse with people, read books, and contemplate. It takes time, but as you dive several layers deep into the onion, you get an incredible understanding of the subject that Google search can never provide you with.